WEBINAR: Featuring Emily Tuttosi, Tylo Borsboom, & Jordan McLeod

WEBINAR: Featuring Emily Tuttosi, Tylo Borsboom, & Jordan McLeod

/ news / WEBINAR: Featuring Emily Tuttosi, Tylo Borsboom, & Jordan McLeod

WEBINAR: Featuring Emily Tuttosi, Tylo Borsboom, & Jordan McLeod

July 11, 2024

Rugby Manitoba is excited to present a special webinar featuring three incredible Manitobans: Emily Tuttosi, Tylo Borsboom, and Jordan McLeod! 

Join us on Tuesday, July 30th, at 6:30 PM Central Time, as they share how rugby has impacted their lives and career paths. This is a unique opportunity to gain insights from top athletes and learn how rugby can shape your future!

Here is a recording of the WEBINAR: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/-JQI4PGz9ekegH-J0ZPExp0ipYft9_BtT1PigrKUhdDU_4crCKOtryfYWaQpl_a1.spC1cKwRM5gRmcA_
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