Rugby Manitoba is excited to announce that Rugby is officially returning to Manitoba.


Commencing with stage 3 non contact restrictions, 1 hour session limits and touch/flag games, clubs are now allowed to resume sanctioned activities.


Clubs are encouraged to operate their own touch leagues in an effort to retain players and attract new players to the sport.


The safety of the community is paramount, and all players and clubs are reminded to follow the protocols outlined in the Return to Play Framework.


Details on a move to Phase 4 will hopefully be announced shortly, pending Provincial Government Approval. This would allow clubs to reintroduce contact rugby in a modified playing environment. This includes Rugby X, 7’s and 10’s variations of the game.


Rugby Manitoba would like to thank the volunteers who contributed to the return to play document, particularly Brendan Kowal and Braeden Willis for their involvement in the National Return to Play Group.



Clubs are now invited to apply for sanctioning to recommence activities that fit within the Return to Play Framework.


The Return to play documents can be found below.



RTP Guidelines_Manitoba FRAMEWORK.pdf